Podcasts Not Working on Spotify: Reasons & Fixes

In recent years, podcasts have become a more popular form of entertainment, and Spotify has become one of the best places to listen to them. However, like any service, you can occasionally experience problems with it. So, we’ve compiled several issues with your podcasts not working on Spotify and offered several fixes for you to try.

Reasons and fixes for the podcasts not working on Spotify on iPhone or Android phones

If you’re experiencing issues with Spotify podcasts not working, playing, or loading on your iPhone or Android phone, there could be several reasons for it. However, the main reasons could be network issues, problems with the Spotify app, or issues with your phone. In the following, we’ve shared what those issues could be and how to solve them.

Network issues

Network issues are caused by your internet or Wi-Fi network connection and most likely have nothing to do with the Spotify app. The problems themselves can range from poor network strength to issues with your WiFi router.

Check your network strength

When streaming podcasts on Spotify, a weak or slow network can cause buffering, interruptions, and slow load times. It’s important to make sure that your internet connection is stable and robust enough to support the app’s usage. If you use mobile data to watch podcasts, you can move to an area with a much more robust network. And if you use Wi-Fi, you can restart your WiFi router or call your internet service provider to fix any network problems. Another option you can try is moving your phone closer to your Wi-Fi router to receive a stronger signal.

Switch from Cellular to Wi-Fi network

When using a cellular network to stream podcasts on Spotify or any other platform, you need to make sure you are in an area that has the highest network signal. Otherwise, your Spotify podcasts will keep buffering or won’t load, which is not a good way to listen to a podcast. Also, using a mobile data plan to stream podcasts is generally very expensive compared to a Wi-Fi plan. So, we would recommend that you switch to a Wi-Fi network when you’d want to listen to a podcast on Spotify.

Switch Wi-Fi router to 5 GHz frequency band

A dual Wi-Fi router has two frequency bands, 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. Switching to the 5 GHz bands can provide faster and more stable internet speeds, which is ideal for streaming podcasts on Spotify without interruptions. This is especially beneficial if you live in an area with a lot of Wi-Fi interference or if you have multiple devices connected to your network at the same time.

Also, make sure your Wi-Fi signal is strong enough by moving closer to the router or using a Wi-Fi extender if you need to. This will ensure a smooth and uninterrupted listening experience on Spotify.

Turn off any VPN services

Another reason why Spotify is not playing podcasts on your phone is that you have your VPN turned on. Using a VPN will most likely reduce the streaming speeds of your podcasts.

Additionally, you might not be able to view certain video or audio podcasts because of geo-restrictions. So, turning off your VPN while streaming podcasts on Spotify is recommended to ensure smooth playback.

The process of turning off a VPN on your phone is very straightforward. Almost all major VPN mobile applications have a connect button in their app interface, and it is usually located on their first page. So, all you have to do to turn off the VPN is to click on that button.

Spotify App issues

If you’ve ruled out your network as the main reason for your podcasts not working on Spotify, then you should look into whether the Spotify app is the cause. You see, sometimes an outdated app or app settings on your phone might be the cause of your problems.

Turn off the Data saver mode on Spotify

The ‘Data Saver’ mode is designed for Spotify users who use a mobile data plan. This feature is very useful to users with a daily data usage limit. However, this could also be why your podcasts keep buffering or not loading. Moreover, this feature affects those who prefer video podcasts on Spotify.

So, here’s how to turn off the ‘Data Saver’ on Spotify on your iPhone.

  1. First, launch the Spotify app.
  2. Then click on the Settings icon from the top-right corner.
  3. Next, tap on the Data Saver option.
  4. After that, disable the toggle for “Data Saver“.

Furthermore, if you have enabled audio-only streaming for your video pocasts, you won’t be able to watch the video of your podcasts when on a data plan. So, by disabling that setting, you could watch your video podcasts on your mobile data. You can find the option to disable this setting under the Data Saver option.

Download the podcasts instead of streaming

Streaming podcasts on Spotify requires a strong and stable internet connection. So, if you are facing issues with streaming podcasts on Spotify, you can download them when you are connected to a strong connection and then listen to them offline later. This method saves you from streaming-related headaches. However, you need to ensure that your phone has the necessary storage for the podcasts.

To download the podcasts on Spotify for offline use, you need to search for the content first. Then you find it, you need to tap on the Download icon to start downloading the podcast on your library. After that, you can hear the podcasts whenever you want.

Turn on Explicit Content Settings

If you’ve turned off the Explicit Content Settings, then a good portion of Spotify content will be unavailable to you. The reason for this is that the content has used explicit language. However, if you don’t mind the use of explicit language, you can turn on the settings for explicit content. Keep in mind that explicit content may not be suitable for all listeners, especially younger ones. Therefore, it’s important to use your discretion and only enable the settings if you’re comfortable with the content.

Here’s how to allow explicit content on the Spotify app.

  1. First, launch the Spotify app.
  2. Then click on the Settings icon from the top-right corner.
  3. Next, tap on the Explicit Content settings.
  4. After that, turn on the toggle for ‘Allow explicit content‘.

Close and Restart the Spotify app

Closing and reopening the Spotify app on your phone is a great way to refresh the app and fix problems like playback errors or slow loading times. Also, doing this will ensure that any changes you’ve made to your settings are properly applied. It’s a simple troubleshooting step that can often save you time and frustration. If closing and reopening the app doesn’t work, you can try logging out and back in to your account, clearing the cache, or reinstalling the app to fix more persistent issues.

Log out and log in on Spotify

If restarting the Spotify app didn’t work, you can try logging out and back in to your account. This can help you update your account information and fix any problems you might be having with logging in.

By going to the settings menu and choosing the Log Out option, you can log out of your Spotify account. Once you’ve logged out, simply enter your login credentials again to log back in and see if the issue has been resolved. However, you should wait a few seconds before attempting to log back in.

Clear the Spotify app cache

Another troubleshooting fix you can try is clearing the Spotify app cache. This can help resolve any issues related to corrupted data or temporary files that may be causing the problem. Caches actually help improve app performance by storing frequently accessed data. It helps you with quicker load times and stores your preference data. However, if the caches get too full or corrupted, it can cause app performance issues. Clearing the cache can often solve these problems and improve overall app functionality.

The process to clear the Spotify app cache on your iPhone or Android phone is the same and simple. First, you need to open the Spotify app and then tap on the Settings icon. Then you have to click on the Storage option and then select the Clear cache button.

Update the Spotify app

An outdated app might be why the podcasts are not working or playing on Spotify. Sometimes bugs can cause the app to malfunction. So, it is important to keep your Spotify app up-to-date to ensure that it is functioning properly and to have access to the latest features and bug fixes.

To update the Spotify app on your iPhone, go to the App Store and search for the “Spotify” app. If an update is available, click on the “Update” button to install it.

On your Android phone, visit the Play Store app and search for the “Spotify” app. If an update is available, click on the “Update” button to start installing it.

Delete and Reinstall Spotify

Deleting and reinstalling Spotify can be a solution to fix any issues that may arise after an update. This process will remove any corrupted files and give you a fresh installation of the app. However, keep in mind that deleting the app will also remove any downloaded songs or playlists, so make sure to back up your data before proceeding with the uninstallation process.

Also, it’s important to note that if the issue is not related to the app itself but rather to your device or internet connection, deleting and reinstalling Spotify may not solve the problem. In that case, you may need to troubleshoot other potential causes of the issue.

Device-related issues & fixes

Sometimes your device, in this case, your phone might be why your Spotify podcasts are not working. So, in this case, we’ve shared some reasons and fixes that you can look into.

Restart your phone

If your Spotify podcast is frozen on your phone screen or the app keeps closing down, restarting your phone might help fix the issue. This is because it clears the cache and refreshes the system, which can help resolve any app glitches that may be causing the problem.

Device compatibility

Spotify has minimum requirements that your phone or any other device should meet before you can use the app. For instance, Spotify has minimum operating system requirements that your phone needs to have. If you own and iPhone, then you should have iOS 14 or a newer version installed. And if you are an Android user, then you need Android OS 5.0 or later.

Furthermore, you need to remember that you can access Spotify from one device at a time per account.


To conclude: If you’re a podcast lover, don’t let technical difficulties ruin your listening experience. We have listed several reasons and solutions for podcasts not working on Spotify. With our above-mentioned tips, you can fix any Spotify problems and get back to watching your favorite shows.

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